Lovly jubbly!!! Love the way the sun is shining through the colourful unbrella. It looks like you threw the umbrella up into the air and then took the shot, very creative image. Thank you for sharing.
LOVE the colours of this. If you did just throw this in the air, then your focus is dead on and if that was planned and not just pure luck, I envy your timing and skill! Great work.
wooow, how beautiful :D
Looks like you threw the umbrella up into the air and then took a picture.
A-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y great! Well done!
Lovly jubbly!!! Love the way the sun is shining through the colourful unbrella. It looks like you threw the umbrella up into the air and then took the shot, very creative image. Thank you for sharing.
LOVE the colours of this. If you did just throw this in the air, then your focus is dead on and if that was planned and not just pure luck, I envy your timing and skill! Great work.
Did you fill flash this at all or is it post work? Looks great anyhow, I love the rays of light defining the umbrella shape :)
This shot is simply fabulous!! I love it! I love the textures, the colors, the composition. A very great photo indeed!
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